

“祝你永葆童心,我是说愿你永远像个孩子一样开心” ——《魔戒》 托尔金说过,The true king is not the ruler of men, but a man that will lift their spirits.(真正的国王不是人民的统治者,而是能鼓舞他们心灵的人)。

所以,在六一国际儿童节这天,我想送各位三个礼物,每个礼物代表着一句英文句子,也寓意着每一个成年人能够永葆纯真,拥有属于自己的童话人生。 第一句,May you stay forever young. 第二句,May you never grow up. 第三句,May this Christmas bring back to your heart all past pleasure and memories. 第四句,To my wonderful daughter, who makes me laugh every day my birthday gift to her – today and always.

第五句,Merry X'mas, my beautiful wife. I love you more than anything else in this world. You are my pride and joy. 第六句,I wish for everyone at this table to be healthy, wealthy, and wise;to live long and prosper. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, here we come!

第七句,Happy Mother's Day to my darling children. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day—shining down from above. I am so proud of you! 第八句,I am old enough now to be your friend —not just your mother. 请收下这份特殊的儿童节礼物——来自世界各地的成人祝福语,祝愿你们永远保有童真!
