

2016年8月,世界著名医药出版集团施普林格(Springer)出版了《The Safety of Traditional Chinese Medicine》一书[1]。这是一部全面论述中医药安全性问题的专著,由国际主流医学界的知名专家学者共同撰写完成。 下面为大家摘录书中有关针灸的章节——《Safety of Acupuncture》(针刺的安全性)。作者为英国著名的针灸医师和针灸教育专家Simon Singh(西蒙·辛格斯)与澳大利亚针灸师、教授Mairelead Moriarty-Jones。

“The evidence for the safety of acupuncture is growing. The risk with acupuncture appears to be low and, in many countries where it is practiced by qualified professionals in specified environments (such as medical establishments), serious adverse effects are exceptionally rare … In addition, there has never been a report of death from acupuncture……”(证据显示针灸是安全的。其风险似乎很低;而且在许多国家,当针灸在合格专业人士、在严格限定环境中(如医疗机构)实施时,严重不良事件是非常罕见的……从未发生过因针灸而导致患者死亡的事件……)

“In summary, there is no scientific basis on which to assume that acupuncture is unsafe. Instead, the extensive review of clinical studies reveals that, at worst case, acupuncture may be mildly unsafe when performed by poorly trained or unqualified practitioners in non-sterile conditions……”(总之,没有科学依据表明针灸是不安全的……最多只能认为,当针灸由技能低下或未经培训的人员、在不卫生的条件下操作时,有可能导致轻微的不良后果……)

The authors then go on to discuss potential side effects of acupuncture, including bleeding/bruising, pain, infection, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. They conclude by noting that the “the most obvious risk associated with acupuncture is injury to peripheral nerve structures near the site of needle insertion” but that “this injury can only occur if multiple needles are placed deep into the tissue. This is extremely unlikely to occur in the context of safe, clinically appropriate acupuncture practice.”(可能会出现的潜在不良反应包括出血/血肿、疼痛、感染、头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐和疲劳。最明显的危险是与针具插入相关的神经结构周围的可能损伤,但这种伤害只能发生在多根针深达组织的情况下。这在安全、临床合理的针灸实践中是十分罕见的。)
